Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My First Post As A Blogger

Hi Guys!  

This is my first blog ever!  How exciting!  Where do I start?  Lets see...So let my start this out by telling you all a little bit about myself.  My name is Desiree.  I am 28 years old.  I am a wife to the love of my life, my high school sweetheart Abraham.  We have been married for almost 12 years and we have 3 gorgeous children who are ages 12 (almost 13), 6, and 2.   

 I am starting my blog because I want to be able to inspire people.  Whether it be in weight loss, beauty, or just family life.  

Growing up I was always skinny.  I was the kind of girl that could eat what ever she wanted and never get fat.  After getting pregnant with my first child I had gained a whopping 80lbs and never lost it.  7 years later I had my second child and gained a little more and by the time I had my 3rd child I was at 230 lbs.  

I had definitely let myself go and to be honest I thought I was fine.  I knew I was "overweight" but in my head it was just a little overweight.  It took me not being able to fit into a size 16 (I was actually a size 23) that I had purchased from a store to realize that I had to do something about my weight.  So Two years ago I joined Weight Watchers and lost 80lbs in around 9 months or so.  It took a lot of dedication and hard work.  Tracking my food and exercise is a normal part of my everyday life now.  I am still not at goal (I want to lose another 20lbs) but I am trying. I have been stuck in the 150's all year because I am not following the plan.  I am not perfect, I mess up, I eat crappy food sometimes, I sometimes don't go to the gym for a week, but its all apart of the process.  

You can lose weight too YOU just have to really WANT it.  You have the potential to do what ever it is that you want to do.

(to the left is me at 230 lbs and to the right is me at 150 lbs)

Simply Me, 


  1. Des im so happy you started a blog!! You have always inspired me since I met you on WW :) You go girl. I will be following your blogs now:)

  2. yay you made a blog so happy for you!
    you have already inspired so many of us and i think you will continue to do so..
    im excited to start following your blog journey now sis!

    1. aww...thanks trish :D It took me a couple of hours to figure out what site I wanted to do my blog on and then set it up... :D I am glad I finally did it to. Tomorrow I am blogging on Dry Shampoo lol polar opposite topics :D

  3. Im so proud of you have accomplished so have inspired me to change my eating. I hope to also be where you are oneday, your my hero desiree :-) youve helped me to see that if i work hard with my busy life i can be hott too, so lets see what happends.

  4. Desiree, I'm so proud of you!!!!! I know you for a couple of years already and you are a great person. A great daughter and a sister and a wonderful mother and of course a wife.........but you did a great job on losing so much weight. Maybe one day I will have the power to lose weight too one day...but I'm glad you made a blogger..... Well keep up the great job..... love you like a daughter too :)


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